Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Insolent Servant--LOPHATHAM

The C asual O nlooker

V iews of One.


3. The Insolent Servant
Todays Quote by -
Mark Twain :

The government is merely a servant -- merely a temporary servant; it cannot be its prerogative to determine what is right and what is wrong, and decide who is a patriot and who isn't. Its function is to obey orders, not originate them.


Mr Twain may well be one of the better known authors and writers of his time across the Globe and he had much to say with great cynical application in relationship to the purpose of 'Government' in a few short words. The above is a fair example of his assessment of the true purpose of Government and the People – as their servant and ones with a limited 'bond' to their employers, based on their performance and provision to orders given by All, the People.

Today, every country is haunted with a new version of 'security laws'. Our Governments not only fail to disclose their methods and means to the All, they flatly refuse to do so with no apologies. 'Its first function is to obey orders, not originate them…' so says Mr Twain, and yet we are unable, even when we march in millions, to oblige the leaders today to comply with the true notion of their station – Servants to All, the People.

Only the Insolent Servant would defy his employer to decide the best course of action, or to have his Masters incarcerated with the consent of any true peerage, but instead by the sole discretion of that Insolent Servant. Such a servant in reality would be fired and charged with crimes against his Masters under the weight of the Law. Our reality currently holds us to the philosophic ransom of ceding our Rights to the Insolent Servant.

Our Insolent Servants rampage across our living rooms unchecked, stealing our valuables, our loved ones are judged arbitrarily by that same insolent disregard for position. They will judge the Patriot by his dissent against their insolence, and they will determine this through their own undisclosed judgments – such is the power of the Insolent Servants that All employ to govern their Home(land)s.

To take Mr Twain at face value and apply his notion to the situation today, it would be reasonable to say that this world might need to have a staffing reshuffle in Housekeeping and be shed of some of these Insolent Servants who refuse to take an order from their Masters, even those wise ones who were ignored in private efforts to instruct them. Such Insolence should be rewarded with immediate unemployment – and criminal proceedings, exactly as the One and All will under the rule of our Insolent Servants.

No One might be bought or sold, unless All agree to slavery.

Truth, Justice, Honor – The Ways of Freemen ©2005

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