Saturday, November 12, 2005

Conviction of Times--LOPHATHAM

Conviction of Times.

Through all times, when man reaches the last stages of the creep and overthrow of corruption upon him, a reawakening of courage commences to sweep across his ranks and races.

This courage, born of convictions and shared by others, explored and adopted, adapted, applied, brings change, whether by violent or passive means, and if directed properly, change that is positive to the majority, rather than a smaller minority.

There are a number of relatively violent, counterproductive processes man might entertain to cause change, and positive change could come from that. Alternatively, he could opt to outlaw aggression by using passively aggressive forms of control such as chemical drugs, or he could collectively agree to do away with such inclinations (as aggression).

Man is not a particularly co-operative species unless it is in the production of some 'thing'. He tends to need to be rewarded for interaction, and historically this has been by way of some form of 'currency or tangible' format - he has always had a visible incentive, a tangible, collectible, exchangeable 'value' for what he perceives is an exchange - of his time for another 'thing' in co-operation with another.

Because of his inherent instinct to learn, man defines himself away from a base 'animal' - yet, he tends to operate in the same herd instinct. He 'works' in a main herd, and in most occupations, he fears his 'herd superior' to some degree because he is a threat - to his job, his livelihood, his future, his now. He retreats to his own den, with his own issue or mate as a general rule and he lines his nest to his own taste. He will spend some of his time playing, as do all herd animals, interacting with each other - he has turned his traditional forms of 'sport' from practice of defense of militias to sporting events.

He grazes in giant fields, produced by the efforts of others. He does not understand how the process occurs - anymore aware than a herd animal, except that he moved past primary consumption of naturally available fodder, and replaced it with stationary and stagnating social systems.

Man may reason - he might feel emotion, and be guided by it; he might even learn to fear it, or to explore it and cease being afraid. He fears death to a point where he will invent rituals to ward it off, and then to celebrate it, as a tribute to the dead, but as solace to the living - as it is not them.

This affects his opinion, his outlook and his entire ritualized life. His ongoing fear produces the need to eliminate death as a natural form of life, to expel it from his emotional awareness, rather than to accept it and thus enable himself to move past that fear and into a different awareness of consciousness.

All religion is based on some explanation and apology for death. There is no religion that can't purport some situational belief that promotes some unique form of appealing afterlife for a species that fears 'missing something'. Fears being 'insignificant'. Many report to celebrate life - while maintaining a dogmatic approach to scoring points on a sliding scale of moral or ethical 'worth' and often, backed by the fiscal accounting of the individual to that religion.

All politics are based on the assumption of death. That a population will be born, will be a burden, then will become producers, then a burden and like all 'fiscal deals' will negatively gear itself (with death in this instance) to a final accounting. On the assumption that man will war, will die naturally or unnaturally and finalize accounts. On the assumption that death will finalize a drain on society.

All Societies are based on the presumption of death, as is the mentality of a herd animal - each act of violence near them that does not cause them harm or death is an educational process and a 'lucky escape'. If observed, a peerage will empathically close around the 'interlinking member' who has suffered a loss. This is relative to all warm blooded animals to some lesser or greater degree.

All science is ultimately used towards the protection of, destruction of, or now the production of 'life'. Thus, ultimately, the protection of, destruction of, or the reproduction of death. In the protection of life is the destruction of society, in the destruction of life is the reproduction of death and in the production of life is the destruction (or defiance) of death. Man's own self styled mire of contradictions.

The effort of man to rise to meet a lacking requirement within his entire species has been sincerely compromised by the creeping of Corporate profit and control - the use of common currency and the gradual education and enlightenment of man due to the ongoing increasingly complex life he leads.

The constant vigilance against 'death, the emotion' is at work around man, who has lost a proper connection with his own mortality and immortality to a point where he has bought a new commercialized, packaged religion - Corporate Fear.

No one should 'suffer'. The current, ever present theme in the Western World and bought to the poorer, developing nations by way of aid and charitable acts. The concept is quite ludicrous - people, like all herd animals will suffer hard, lean years. Animals do not suffer a complexity of emotions bought on by interaction with non 'real surroundings'.

Man is significantly influenced by the visuals of his life, and also by his empathy to his companions. He is motivated by color, something strongly used in manipulative, destructive advertising. He is motivated by movement in advertising, something not lost on the veritable ward of 'social experts' who manipulate each part of high cost advertising to directly impact on the directed target.

Man will take on his companions' apathy or enthusiasm; he will follow a strong influence, good or bad. He will easily compromise his own rights to consider a situation to be relieved of that duty to follow something that makes him emotionally secure - often to his own detriment.

One of the issues in today's world is that the term spirituality has been redefined into a buzz word for the plastic ideals of corporate profit and negatively geared by political correctness into a hobby, rather than cultural pursuit.

Having successfully based his own worth upon his own 'worth' in tangible exchangeable commodity or chattel, in the production of more such 'worth', he has also successfully removed an essential part of his overall self - his own sense of charity. It would be logical think that a reasoning being would not be a selfish being but, because of his reasoning instincts he learns to place value 'today' on what he will have tomorrow - both for his own physical and emotional comfort.

A herd, in lean years, will certainly suffer losses to the younger and older members, sometimes to a point of devastating an entire herd. However it is uncommon for the majority of a herd to separate and 'split' into individual smaller groups. Man is no different. He will maintain larger, impractical social structuring when he is forced to subsidize it, in order to prevent an acknowledged herding.

Herd charity brings its own perils; many times members die who may not have if they had moved along. Man can and does, as the individual move along and reestablishes himself as part of another herd arrangement with better conditions.

Man now is not typical armed against invading forces, he has politically unified against self assault to a point where he is practically and literally herded day to day. He accepts, like any handled herd that he must follow a certain cow trail, and rarely does he expend the energy to stop and seek any knowledge of that which is beside that trail.

His concept of defense has been reduced and continues to be reduced by unnatural laws and unnatural practice. All herds have 'disputes' and all herds survive this. Sometimes, a dispute leads to the death of another - again a natural acclimatizing of a herd to change. Intruding consumers are often repelled by the stronger or assimilated.

Man though takes this to an extreme whereby he no longer simply 'consumes' the natural production of his surroundings - he has manipulated his world encompass the manufacture of his 'needs'. He has been fiscally manipulated out of contemplation of self, and instead has a false front installed whereby he measures himself upon the false values of others in his immediate experience, typifies to him a particular way things must be done, closes his perception to new and innovative changes, and denies him the ability to bring forward any new ideals or convictions.

No herd member likes to be shunned or exiled as it is exposed, and vulnerable, unable to access a group safety consciousness, and a sense of 'value'. Religion, politics and society in the herd form that they are typically use shunning as a form of herd punishment, whether by spiritual denial, political detainment or social stigma.

Man once lacked numbers to diversify into the rainbow he is now. He was governed in the most part by verbal oration as education and he learned as he grew to support, defend and of himself through this. He was not vulnerable anymore than any other person but for his own actions, or misfortune.

Today, he is suspected of unspeakable actions because of his skin, let alone his religion and in most case, despite his own convictions. Man has indeed lost his herd charity - and is manipulated by the media, the social advertising, the propaganda and the law into a loss of communal conviction and instead replacing it with a communal fear of self, or comparison, or even competition.

The use of Corporations is not a new institution, it has been employed by man since one man discovered he could produce beyond his required needs and exchanged that surplus with his neighbor for something he didn't produce adequately himself.

It has caused and funded both sides of war, supported the most atrocious events and indeed subsidized them. It has caused incredible social unrest, deliberately to cause the population to war. It has deliberately taken the role of master over the majority in their day to day lives - and the people comply.

The single thing the Corporations have not imagined a way to do though is out style the old saying 'Money doesn't buy happiness…' nor to negate the truth of 'Money is the root of all evil…'

Humanity overall prefers to live at peace - not at war. It prefers to operate in a relative fashion with another person, and in the right environment, it would stand to reason that man will learn to co-operate collectively, drawing on a common conviction or philosophy and from the strength of that conviction when put into practice. Such a practice will bring man, one at a time to a proper understanding of how and why his world works, and also dispel the false certainties he has been conditioned to accept.

The absolute acceptance of the individual does not necessarily mean the absolute acceptance of that individuals thought, opinions or even ideals and behaviors. It is considered politically incorrect to question a value or moral or ethical value of another, to query the thought behind the action or the individual personality if required - yet, it is through that human herd enhancement, growth and unity grows.

Humanity bought into a very deliberate mechanism in the onset of political correctness, the action. This very ungracious arrival of the new commandment to man, the herd animal has become a vicious political and legal tool, and now makes its way into the destruction of traditional religious practice.

It would be hard to find a single more disabling enablement to place on man but to disengage his ability to reach a truthful conclusion, except to do so based on the concept of preemptively protecting another persons presumed emotional state.

The truthfulness of the situation is that man has become so disenchanted with his own self and sense of worth that he has become emotionally hysterical. He has been treated, collectively, with kid gloves and thus further dis-enabled to engage rationality over his emotional self.

What should be a simple, direct conversation with another human has become a politically motivated emotional trap from which subjectivity will rule, and thus dis-enabling the truthful discourse required to maintain a core element of based on honest principles which are known to all.

Man draws immense comfort from ritualistic communications and interaction. Modern ritualistic religions display this very clearly - as does the increasing corporate encroachment over such events. He once, prior to the plastic distractions now available to him, draw comfort from the common social interactions with other like minded people. Clear boundaries existed, clear definitions of acceptable or unacceptable behaviors - all encouraged the charitable co-operation of an individual.

This will not be achieved by a revival of any known politics or religion. It will be because of new awareness and spirituality - and it will occur.

It must occur - man has reached a point of mental stagnation, neither inspired or rebuked, a form of mental apathy. He can not move backwards because he has never lived in a time such as this one before - he simply repeats the past as he moves forward in all fashions of society. He remains within an apathy he himself helped to create when he put down the weight of convictions and embraced a new improved, easier way.

Man has always produced the courage in a few that has lead a march of change - drawn a collective courage into place and repealed the apathy, allowing change. He finds it in places unlikely - rather than in the more likely places.

Across time, the intelligence of man has systematically fallen to the thought of a simpler way - and inevitably it is found that such complexity brings into it a new form of control, and then apathy as an escape is deemed impossible.

The creep of Corporate control, the chewing up of independent business, the crawl of usurping of individual choice with fiscal weapons of deception - all significantly cause the apathy. It seems impossible to withstand this ongoing assault, it is socially un-viable to stand against it, it is practically impossible to resist it to all degrees.

The Corporate today is a vehicle by which a body of individual enforce a process to produce profit. Regardless of what that profit is, or the product used - the Corporation produces only the pursuit of Profit as an animate entity. This is resold to the consumer as an animate object/concept by way of moving advertising, promotional advertising and other mentally 'stimulating' agendas.

Everyone is selling 'something'. This is a truth. The ideals sold by the majority are not always truths to the individual who sells them - is also a truth. There is no single interaction that is not an exchange of a potential 'value/truth/reality' and is governed against the individuals who interact.

To have mankind bought to a threshold where he not only understand but accept the concept of and application of truth, justice and honor within commerce, first he must be exposed to a difference in both conviction and principle.

These principles have no room for philosophical movement. They are either right, or they are wrong. They require the adequate participation, dedication and indeed confined and deliberate coercion of - willful truthful thought and action.

© 2005

Posted as an alternative discussion tool. No religious affection should be drawn or assumed from this or any article unless clearly specified. Owners of Forums are welcome to remove this email address without contest if the contents posted contradiction the owners beliefs or rules.

Truth Justice Honor – the way of Freemen

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