Wednesday, February 01, 2006

KHON2 - The Team That Knows Hawaii | Top Stories

KHON2 - The Team That Knows Hawaii | Top Stories: "Buried at Sea: Pentagon to release report
Gina Mangieri

The Pentagon releases a report on Wednesday on the extent of chemical weapons dumped off Hawaii's coast.

And Congressman Neil Abercrombie will introduce a bill to research dump sites and assess clean-up costs.

That's in response to KHON2's series 'Buried at Sea.' We investigated Army documents and witness accounts, revealing thousands of tons of chemical weapons off Hawaii's shores, especially the Waianae coast.

Ordnance experts say many dangerous conventional weapons also appear to be dumped there.

Chemical munitions known to be offshore contain mustard gas and other deadly agents. Conventional ordnance can have cancer-causing elements.

Following our stories, Congress demanded full disclosure from the Pentagon, and we'll bring you the latest on that on Wednesday. "

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